17th June 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
This month is ‘Global Pride Month’ the school will be involved in School Diversity Week; this annual week is all about empowering school pupils and staff across the UK to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying by organising activities that celebrate LGBT+ equality in education.
In 2020, schools and colleges representing 1.9 million young people signed up to take part in School Diversity Week, demonstrating to their pupils that being LGBTQ + is something to be celebrated.
On Monday 27th June, we will have our own Pride Day. All pupils will take part in age and stage appropriate activities and assemblies on the theme:
Celebrating Differences – Everyone Can Sparkle!
We would like to invite all members of our school community to celebrate this by wearing our brightest rainbow colours and anything that makes you sparkle.
If you would like to find out more or discuss our RSE/PSHE approach, please contact Julie Peattie, Subject lead for PSHE education at peattiej@birchwoodschool.co.uk.
Yours sincerely,
Julie Peattie Rosalind Hopkins
PSHE Lead                                         Executive Headteacher