Welcome to Careers at Birch Wood School
Here at Birch Wood School we believe that every young person needs high quality careers guidance to make informed decisions about their future, whatever their needs. We are working towards the eight Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure we offer an inclusive careers provision across Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Post 16. Young people will access the careers programme at a time that is appropriate for them.

Tom Smith, Head of School at Birch Wood Vale, is the Careers Lead and is supported by the Leicestershire Education Business Company Careers Adviser in guiding our young people with careers advice. We also work closely with Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership who support us in working towards the Gatsby Benchmarks. They also allow us to access resources and events that will support our young people in preparing for the next steps in their education or moving in to the world of work.
The clear move for change must be for more students with Special Needs to be in paid employment and how we can support them on that pathway. We would greatly welcome any employers who would be able to offer work experience opportunities for our young people or come and talk to them about their place of work.
Using the main menu above you can find out more information for students, parents, teachers as well as the Baker Clause, how we work with local employers and information on the local labour market.
Careers Latest:
- Latest Careers News Will Appear HereThis is where you will find all of our careers-related news as it happens..