Birch Wood School has a Careers Programme which students can access from Year 7 onwards depending on their readiness and their needs. The Careers Programme is designed to support your young person to prepare for the next stage in their life. The next stage after Birch Wood School is likely to be an independent college or further education college. Most of our students move on to:
- Brooksby and Melton College
- Homefield
- Sense College (previously RNIB)
You can view a video below, which was created by our students, that explains their Post 16 experience with Birch Wood at Brooksby College.
A small percentage of students will move on to find part or full time work or volunteering or access a community provision. We aim to support this by offering students work experience, preparing them for the transition to work though CV writing and mock interviews; help them to develop their key transferable skills and we run enterprise and business days and activities throughout the year within several lessons. Your young person will also have regular meetings with a careers adviser. This will produce a careers diary which will have details of the conversations and the aims and aspirations of your young person.
Careers is embedded in all aspects of education at Birch Wood School. By the time our students are ready to leave they will have had the opportunity to:
- Think about what they want to do when they leave school.
- Write a CV and edit it in the future
- Complete an application form and attend an interview
- Know where to find information on colleges and jobs
We also hope that they have the subject and careers knowledge and have;
- Had some experience of the world of work or on an extended work experience placement.
- The ability to use all 8 of the essential skills we have developed though Skills Builder
- An understanding of the importance of good and punctual attendance
- A knowledge of how each subject
- A confidence to engage with our business volunteers
- Participated in our STEM activities