In line with statutory guidance, Birch Wood School has embedded mandatory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) into the curriculum. The programme has been designed from guidance provided by the Department for Education and the PSHE Association and builds on the existing PSHE programme in place at Birch Wood.
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is an educational entitlement for all children and young people. It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development and sex, sexuality and sexual health. It enhances the self-worth and confidence of each individual and encourages mutually respectful relationships and empathy for others.
Following Parent/Carer and student consultations, the RSE Policy has now been ratified and can be found here.
DfE guidance for parents/carers: The Department for Education has published a useful list of FAQs and new guides with translations for parents/carers on RSE and Health Education.