Children in Need

Grange Drive

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the years Children in Need has supported Birch Wood in giving our student’s the fantastic opportunities available to them during their journey through Birch Wood.

For Children In Need, we have an exciting day planned for our young people.

It will be a non- uniform day on Friday 18th November, and we ask for a £1 voluntary donation towards this important cause. You can donate electronically at

Throughout the day students will be involved in Pudsey- Children in Need themed lessons. Some students will access live BBC mood buster sessions, where famous faces will be leading a short series of interactive, dynamic and imaginative activities for pupils to get involved with so they can have fun and boost their moods. Thousands of schools across the UK will be taking part, getting together to do something incredible for BBC Children in Need!

We are all looking forward to this exciting and fun filled day.

Thank you for your support

Michelle Walker

Assistant Head Teacher