A letter from Amy Dunstan regarding the provision next term.
December 2021
Dear Parents,
I am writing to inform you of some exciting, personal news that is on the horizon for my family and myself.
My partner and I are expecting a baby. I am sure you will appreciate, this is a dream come true for me and I am very thrilled to be sharing this wonderful news with you.
Our baby daughter is due on 25th December, but I am quietly confident that Christmas will come early for us this year.
Obviously, the arrival of our baby will mean that my direct availability in a work capacity will be impacted over the coming term. However, I want to reassure all of you that there is a strong and indeed exciting plan to support the Provision during my Paternity Leave.
I am proud to inform you that Robbie Hesketh and Joe Knowles-Lorriman have successfully interviewed for and been appointed as Acting Assistant Head Teachers. Both Robbie and Joe have experience of leading classes within the Autism Provision and more recently, Robbie has shown expertise when leading the Primary Provision. Between these two dedicated and skilled practitioners, I am confident that the Provision at Birch Wood School will continue to flourish.
Whilst not being as routinely ‘on-site’ over the next half-term, I will continue to be in regular contact with the Senior Leadership Team and endeavour to provide remote support where possible.
May I take this opportunity to wish you and all of your loved ones a very safe and extremely Merry Christmas. I have a feeling mine will be a busy one!
With my kindest regards and warmest wishes,
Amy Dunstan
Assistant Head