Dear Parents/Carers
In order to keep everyone safe we regularly review and update our risk assessments, treating them as ‘living documents’ so that we can respond as the circumstances at school and with public health advice changes. Our risk assessments are reviewed as part of our ongoing monitoring schedule.
With the emergence of the new COVID variant Omicron and the tightening of restrictions, planned end of term trips may now be cancelled in order to keep our young people, their families and ourselves all as safe as we possibly can.
This will affect planned trips to The Christmas Tree Festival and also swimming at Waterfield Leisure Centre in the first instance. Other planned trips will be considered on an individual basis.
Please be reassured that we continue to ensure good hygiene for everyone:
- This will include good hand hygiene as per our risk assessment. Students will be encouraged to wash hands regularly and use hand sanitiser which will continue to be available at regular points in the school
- The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach will be in place with use of extra bins in classrooms
- We will keep occupied spaces well ventilated
- Follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19
- We will maintain enhanced cleaning regimes as per risk assessment, including regular cleaning of areas and equipment.
Staff continue to wear face coverings at all times, unless they are exempt. Students in year 7 and above will be encouraged to wear face coverings in communal areas unless they are exempt and should be encouraged to wear face coverings on dedicated school transport, unless they are exempt. Visitors to the school are encouraged to wear face coverings, unless they are exempt.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours Sincerely
Claire Wood