Vicky Wilson
Vicky is part of The Leicestershire County Council Vision Support Team, made up of a group of Qualified Teachers of the Visually Impaired (QTVI). Vicky is a qualified teacher with an additional qualification in the education of students with visual impairments and can request support from the Assistive Technology for Education Support Team (ATfEST). This comprises of specialist technicians who assess and support with specialist technology, teachers who specialise in teaching touch typing and specialist access technology and resource technicians who create modified large print and braille books.
Vicky can offer advice and support to all students who have a diagnosed visual impairment, plus offer support to their families and to class staff. After an initial consultation with the student’s family, there may be some functional eye tests as well as coming into school for classroom observations. After this, a decision will be made as to whether they meet the threshold for support from the Vision Support Team. The level of support needed is based on the criteria drawn up by the National Sensory Partnership (NatSiP) a national body that collates information on the education of students with sensory needs. This is then documented in a report to be included with the student’s EHC plan. Teachers and parents will receive copies of any reports that are written.